Guyana: Report on the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development. 2013-2018


Government of Guyana

UN symbol:

The report provides a review and appraisal for the period 2013-2018 of the progress in the implementation of the critical areas such as gender equality and the empowerment of women in all spheres of life, promotion of the rights of children, the indigenous people, people of African descendants, migrants, and equitable access to health, education and social services which are national priorities. It identifies achievements, challenges and opportunities for integrating these critical areas within the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

National reports and documents
A. Integration of population dynamics
B. Girls, boys, adolescents and youth
C. Ageing and social protection
D. Sexual and reproductive health
E. Gender equality
F. International migration
G. Territory and internal migration
H. Indigenous people
I. Afro-Descendants