National Health Sector Plan 2011 - 2018

The NHSP indicates which course the development of health care shall take in the upcoming years. It is mainly based on national priorities drawn from a comprehensive analysis of the health situation in the country and the health needs of the Surinamese people. This plan also takes into consideration international and regional priorities and commitments to the Global Health Agenda. This NHSP is the explicit recognition of the importance of health promotion and disease prevention by proposing actions to scale up and improve the delivery of essential public health operations and services as well as to strengthen public health organization and human resources in Suriname.

The strategic agenda is divided in three strategic directions of work for the health sector: 1) Health Programs; 2) Health systems and 3) Determinants of health. These directions are further disaggregated in 14 key priority areas that have been identified as keys to achieving the national health priorities.

1) Health Programs. Priority Areas:

1.1.: Prevention and reduction of the burden of non-communicable diseases; 1.2: Prevention and reduction of the burden of communicable diseases; 1.3: health over the life course; 1.4: Prevention and reduction of the burden of mental diseases

2) Health systems. Priority Areas:

2.1: Leadership, stewardship and governance; 2.2: Health Financing; 2.3: Human resources for health; 2.4: Health services; 2.5: Improving the Health Information Systems; 2.6: Pharmaceuticals and new technologies

3) Determinants of health. Priority Areas:

3.1: environmental and occupational health; 3.2: Social and economic determinants of health; 3.3: Emergencies and disasters; 

Objetivo general

Suriname is striving to protect, promote, maintain and improve the health of the people. We are striving for in 2018 to have a greater focus and investment in improving health and preventing illness while continuing to treat illness effectively, paying particular attention to reducing the health gap for communities that experience disadvantages. Our focus is on helping our people to access the health care they need through a network of integrated primary health and community care services across the health system with quality and safety.

Our health system strives to make a more effective use of the resources available, services and infrastructure to meet health care needs while maintaining financial sustainability. We are also readily adapting to the changing needs of the community and quick to anticipate and respond to new issues as they emerge.

Institución responsable
Temas / Capítulos
B. Niñez, adolescencia y juventud
C. Envejecimiento y protección social
D. Salud sexual y reproductiva
E. Igualdad de género
F. Migración internacional
G. Territorio y migración interna
H. Pueblos indígenas
I. Afrodescendientes