During the special meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean held in Santiago, Chile in November 2017, it was requested to the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Center (CELADE)-Population Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), that, in its capacity as Technical Secretariat and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and in coordination with the Presiding Officers of the Conference, to prepare a proposal for a virtual platform to contribute to the regional follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development.
In August 2018 in Lima, Peru, on the third session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, the proposal for a virtual platform was presented and welcomed by the countries of the region. Subsequently, in October 2019 during the fourth meeting of the Presiding Officers, held at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile, the prototype of the virtual platform was presented and approved by the countries of the region. This prototype has been the basis for the design, development, functionality, and content of this current platform.
This virtual platform is a space that brings together the main initiatives reported by the countries —in relation to meetings, resolutions, implementation of institutional frameworks, regulations, policies and programs, reports, and indicators presentations— and achievements related to the population, their living conditions, the exercise of their rights and their development. This platform pursues to systematize the processes and outcomes achieved in the region towards completion of the commitments assumed in relation to the Consensus.
It is an instrument that nourishes from the collective work and effort of numerous regional players, such as national and local governments and their institutions, civil society and its various organizations, the United Nations system, and other multilateral organizations. All focused in complying with the priority measures agreed in the Montevideo Consensus, which complement and create synergies with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, considering the specificities of the region.
This platform aims to become a consultation site for various users. Primarily, for the countries themselves to disseminate their achievements, progresses, and pending topics, helping to their accountability. Likewise, the platform should facilitate communication and exchange of experiences between countries and the promotion of South-South cooperation. Secondly, it is expected to be a consultation platform for civil society organizations, facilitating the supervision of the state in matters that affect it; also for the academic sector, which can contribute to the analysis of the progress reported by the countries and collaborate in the dissemination, implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus, among other actions; and for the United Nations system and other multilateral organizations in guiding technical assistance and cooperation, among others.