- The establishment of an Integrated Crime Information System that provides the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) and the Guyana Police Force (GPF), with access to other existing Governmental database which may posses information that provides complete profile of perpetrators and victims.
- The enhancement of the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the justice system in Guyana as a collective through accessibility to accurate, digital and comprehensive crime data, as well as improving the analytical capacity and work practices of policy analyst and (GPF) personnel.
- The development of a functional crime observatory with capacity for spatial statistical analysis and geo-referenced mapping of crime and violence related injuries and death thereby, facilating the assessment of the impact of social programs and interventions.
- The building of capacity in the Data Management Centres at the MOHA and GPF for the operation, management and maintenance of IT infrastructure, there by positioning these institutions to become technologically driven organizations with high performance profiles.
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