General Objectives
- To promote universal access to quality secondary education.
- To advocate for an education system that is relevant both to the needs of youth and to their potential employers.
- To foster participation of students in the administration of their institutions.
- To facilitate increased access to quality training opportunities in skills relevant to the global market place and use of cultural and indigenous products.
- To develop and implement a programme for identifying and supporting gifted children.
- To develop and implement strategies to improve male performance up to the secondary level and matriculation to the tertiary level.
- To promote schools as community empowerment points and safe zones.
- To advocate for full implementation of the White Paper on Education (2001).
Public policy
Responsible institution
Main Priority Measure
B.7 - Boys, girls, adolescents and young people
Guarantee for all boys, girls, adolescents and young people, without any form of discrimination, the chance to live a life free from poverty and violence, and to enjoy protection and exercise of their human rights, a range of opportunities and access to health, education and social protection.
B.9 - Full and satisfying youth
Invest in youth, through specific public policies and differentiated access, especially through the provision, without discrimination, of universal, free, public, secular, high-quality, intercultural education in order to ensure that this stage of life is full and satisfactory, to enable them to develop as autonomous individuals with a sense of responsibility and solidarity and with the ability to tackle creatively the challenges of the twenty-first century.
B.10 - Policies and programs for youth
Promote and invest in labour and employment policies and special training programmes for youth to boost personal and collective capabilities and initiative and to enable them to reconcile studies and work activities, without precarious working conditions and guaranteeing equal opportunities and treatment.
B.16 - Guarantee of opportunities and capabilities
Guarantee for boys, girls, adolescents and young people the opportunities and the basis for harmonious coexistence and a life free from violence, through intersectoral strategies to address the factors that disrupt harmony in the community and foment violence, to provide education from early childhood that promotes tolerance, an appreciation for diversity, mutual respect and respect for human rights, conflict resolution and peace, and to ensure protection, timely access to justice and compensation for victims.