REDD+ GRIF programme

General Objectives

Objective: The development of a transparent, rules-based, inclusive forest governance,
accountability and enforcement system. Improves climate resilience through the protection of ecosystems and the offer of viable and sustainable livelihoods through agroforestry and other sustainable forestry techniques.

Respecting the rights of indigenous people who typically reside in forests is one of the key points.                

  • Avoiding Deforestation: By capitalizing on the REDD+ mechanism, Guyana can avoid cumulative forest-based emissions of over 1.5 GTs of CO2 by 2020 that would have otherwise been produced through economic use of the forest.
  • Low Carbon Development: REDD+ payments gained through avoided deforestation can be used by Guyana for sustainable economic growth and additional climate change initiatives.
  • Adapting to Climate Change: REDD+ payments can be used to assist in promoting climate resilience by investing in priority climate adaptation infrastructure and measures e.g. flood control or early warning systems for extreme weather events.
Toda la Población
Topics / Chapters
G. Territory and internal migration
Main Priority Measure