As an alternative, indicator 1 could be establishment-based: number of educational establishments with anti-discrimination rules.
Possible lines of action
1. The measures contained in priority measures 11 and 12, intended to avoid total and unwanted adolescent pregnancy. 2. Provide comprehensive oversight and support systems for adolescent mothers, in view of their greater risk and the possible social and health complications of adolescent pregnancy, and include in these systems effective incentives for remaining in school. 3. Eliminate discriminatory provisions and practices that lead to the expulsion of pregnant adolescents and young mothers from the education system or make it difficult for them to remain. 4. Implement programmes for reconciling motherhood with school attendance, such as flexible hours, special timetables, day-care services and support for care and child-raising (conditional upon remaining in school).
Related instruments, forums and mechanisms
Sustainable Development Goals, target 8.6 (cited above under priority measure 7).