D.44 - Effective access to modern contraceptive methods

Priority measure number
D.44 - Effective access to modern contraceptive methods
Guarantee effective access to a wide range of culturally relevant, scientifically sound, modern contraceptive methods, including emergency oral contraception.


This priority measure complements priority measure 14, which establishes the need for timely access to emergency oral contraception without a prescription, priority measure 12 on timely and good-quality services for adolescents and young people, and priority measure 37 on universal access to good-quality sexual and reproductive health services. It also complements priority measures 87 and 95 on the right to health, including sexual and reproductive health, of indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants, respectively. Preferably, the proposed indicators should be disaggregated at least by ethnicity, age and area of residence.

Possible lines of action

1. Institute information and counselling programmes on family planning methods and on free and timely access to such methods. 2. Have clear mechanisms for participation by indigenous peoples and other cultures of the country, adolescents and young people in the formulation of contraception and family planning programmes. 3. Eliminate the legal or administrative barriers that impede universal and timely access to emergency contraception. 4. Promote measures to reduce unwanted pregnancies.

Related instruments, forums and mechanisms

Sustainable Development Goals, Goal 3 (“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”), target 3.7 (“By 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes”).

D. Sexual and reproductive health