Priority measures 54, 55 and 56 constitute a group of measures intended to eliminate gender disparities in the labour market. While priority measure 54 considers asymmetries relating primarily to access to decent employment, job security, wages and decision-making, and measure 55 focuses more specifically on encouraging businesswomen to exert leadership and to achieve high-level positions in companies, priority measure 56 aims at the prevention and punishment of sexual and other forms of harassment in the workplace.
This measure is complementary to priority measure 89 for the particular case of eliminating all forms of violence against indigenous women.
Related instruments, forums and mechanisms
There is a direct link with agreement 63 of the Santo Domingo Consensus (“Promote and enforce legislation on equality in employment to eliminate discrimination relating to gender, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation and other types of discrimination in access to and security in the labour market, establishing mechanisms for filing complaints to bodies clearly identified and mandated for that purpose and determining sanctions for bullying, sexual harassment and other forms of violence against women in the workplace”).
Sustainable Development Goals: there is a general relationship with target 5.2 (“Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation”).
As well, considering the broader context of combating violence against women, the follow-up to priority measure 56 could also be based on the Convention of Belém do Pará and on several measures included in chapter D of the Santo Domingo Consensus (“Gender equality and elimination of violence against women”), which are developed more specifically in priority measures 57 and 58 of this chapter.
This measure is complementary to priority measure 89 for the particular case of eliminating all forms of violence against indigenous women.