Priority measures 57 and 58 are aimed, in general, at eliminating the various forms of violence and discrimination against women. Priority measure 57 calls in particular for adopting preventive measures and measures to ensure effective access to support services for victims of violence, with special attention to those in situations of greatest vulnerability.
This measure must recognize the particular situation of indigenous and Afro-descendent women and persons, and thereby complement priority measure 89 on eradicating violence against indigenous women and priority measure 93, which refers to the overlapping of inequalities in situations of racism and discrimination.
Possible lines of action
1. Promote action across State sectors, with particular attention to the justice sector, and coordination among public and private institutions for addressing all victims of violence. 2. Adopt new strategies to bring about the cultural and institutional changes needed to combat the structural factors that perpetuate violence against women. 3. Encourage initiatives for economic empowerment in order to reduce women’s vulnerability to violence. 4. Take specific measures in the various sectors (for example, the health sector) where violence against women is generated and reproduced. 5. Integrate aspects relating to violence against women into national and regional statistics programmes so as to have available data for taking timely decisions and for appreciating the many faces of this form of violence. 6. Promote the typification of the crimes of femicide and feminicide.
Related instruments, forums and mechanisms
This measure is directly related to the Convention of Belém do Pará and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Santo Domingo Consensus; in general, chapter D (“Gender equality and the elimination of violence against women”), and more specifically agreement 80 (“Enforce national and local policies and adopt preventive, punitive, protection and care measures to eliminate all forms of violence and stigma against women, girls, adolescent girls, young women, older women, indigenous and Afro-descendent women, rural women, LGBTTI persons and women with disabilities, and include the effective use of information and communications technologies with an intercultural approach in order to achieve greater inclusion and equality for all women”), agreement 87 (“Guarantee effective access to justice and free, good-quality legal aid for women who are subjected to violence, and provide training and public awareness sessions on gender issues to those authorized to dispense justice, as well as the police and other security bodies”) and agreement 88 (“Promote the reform of legal systems and the amendment of laws which cause exclusion and harm, and ensure the removal of all systemic barriers to the effective delivery of justice”).
Brasilia Consensus: in general, chapter 4 (“Address all forms of violence against women”), and more specifically agreements 4.a (“Adopt preventative and punitive measures as well as measures for protecting and caring for women that further the eradication of all forms of violence against women in public and private spheres, with special attention to Afro-descendent, indigenous, lesbian, transgender and migrant women, and those living in rural, forest and border areas”) and 4.b (“Broaden and guarantee effective access to justice, and to free legal assistance for women in violent situations, and provide training and awareness-raising, from a gender perspective, for staff and officials responsible for administering justice”).
Quito Consensus, agreements xxvii (“Adopt measures that contribute to the elimination of all forms of violence against women and their manifestations, especially homicide of women, femicide and feminicide, as well as to the elimination of unilateral measures that run counter to international law and to the United Nations Charter, whose fundamental consequences are borne by women, girl children and adolescents”) and xxix (“Guarantee access to justice for women, adolescents and girl children who have been victims of gender violence, with no discrimination whatsoever, through the creation of legal and institutional conditions that guarantee transparency, truth, justice and the consequent reparation of the violation of their rights, strengthening public policies for protection, prevention and care with a view to the eradication of all forms of violence)”.
Sustainable Development Goals, targets 5.1 (“End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere”) and 5.2 (“Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation”).