E.61 - Domestic work

Priority measure number
E.61 - Domestic work
Ensure the sharing of responsibility between the State, the private sector, the community, families, women and men for unpaid domestic and care work, incorporating care into social protection systems through allowances, services and benefits that maximize women’s autonomy and guarantee their rights, dignity, well-being and enjoyment of free time.


Follow-up to priority measure 61 can be handled through priority measure 53, some aspects of which include shared responsibility in care provision. Similarly, integrating care into social protection systems through allowances, services and benefits is one of the goals proposed under priority measure 53.

Related instruments, forums and mechanisms

Santo Domingo Consensus, agreement 58 (“Achieve the consolidation of public protection and social security systems with universal, comprehensive and efficient access and coverage by means of solidary, standard, participatory financing, based on the principle of solidarity and linked to a broad spectrum of public policies that guarantee well-being, quality of life and a decent retirement and enhance the full exercise of citizenship by women, including those who have devoted their lives to productive as well as reproductive work, both paid and unpaid, female domestic workers, rural women, female informal and contract workers and, above all, women directly or indirectly affected by illness, disability, unemployment, underemployment or widowhood at any stage in their life cycle”).

E. Gender equality