I.93 - Treatment of inequalities with and their presence in situations of discrimination in women and young people of African descent

Priority measure number
I.93 - Treatment of inequalities with and their presence in situations of discrimination in women and young people of African descent
Address gender, racial, ethnic and intergenerational inequalities, bearing in mind the way these dimensions overlap in situations of discrimination affecting women, especially young Afro-descendent women.


This measure implies a broad range of actions. The race-specific inequalities that affect persons of African descent overlap with gender and generational inequalities, and these are explicitly incorporated into priority measures 94, 95, 96 and 98, as described below.

The remaining priority measures covered in this guide must also be viewed in light of the particular situation of persons of African descent. In particular, the overlapping of inequalities is explicitly included in: priority measure 17 on data disaggregation for adolescents and young people; priority measure 22 on eradicating the multiple forms of discrimination against older persons; and the priority measures of chapter E on gender equality, in particular priority measure 50 on promoting and ensuring the mainstreaming of the gender and racial perspectives; priority measure 54 on gender equality in employment and the elimination of discrimination; and priority measures 57 and 58, which call for actions to eradicate all forms of discrimination and violence, combining the gender, generational and ethnic perspectives.

I. Afro-Descendants