Existence in the country of policies that explicitly ensure parity and women’s access to power.
This indicator is based on indicator 51.3 of the Operational Guide.
The data can be strengthened through the national mechanisms for the advancement of women.
The content of this indicator is aligned with SDG target 5.c (“Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels”) and Based on indicator 51.3 of the Operational guide (“Number of standards that ensure gender parity and women’s access to power”). It also has its correlates in Chapter E of the Santo Domingo Consensus –; the Brasilia Consensus; the Quito Consensus, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, among other international and regional instruments.
The concept of gender parity can be consulted at:
E.48 - Equal participation of women in high-level decision-making
E.51 - Gender parity and mechanisms that guarantee access to power. of women, in electoral processes
E.52 - Prevent, punish and eradicate political and administrative harassment against women
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