Percentage of municipal and local governments that have gender mechanisms for the advancement of women.


Ratio between: (i) numerator: total number of municipal and local governments that include in their structure an office or unit of gender equality for the advancement of women, and (ii) denominator: total number of municipal and local governments in the country, multiplied by 100.


The source should provide the list of municipal and local governments included in the numerator.

The data can be strengthened with information obtained from the national mechanisms for the advancement of women:

  • http://www.cepal.org/es/directorio-de-mecanismos-para-el-adelanto-de-la-mujer.
Priority Measures

E.47 - Institutional mechanisms for women's autonomy and gender equality

Fulfil the commitment to strengthen institutional machineries in order to build development policies with equality that will guarantee the autonomy of women and gender equality, and give these machineries the autonomy and the necessary human and financial resources to enable them to have a cross-cutting impact on the structure of the State, recognizing the strategic role that they play and establishing them at the highest level.

G.81 - Territorial development with a gender and human rights perspective

Plan and manage territorial and urban development, from a human rights and gender perspective, by formulating mobility, population settlement and activity location policies that contemplate, among their objectives, avoiding the use of vulnerable and protected areas and preventing and mitigating the impact of socioenvironmental disasters and combating the environmental vulnerability of those living in poverty and ethnic and racial groups who are subject to discrimination, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation.
E. Gender equality