Percentage of the public budget earmarked/executed for actions aimed at guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples, by sector.

Definition: Ratio between (i) numerator: public expenditure for actions to guarantee the rights of indigenous peoples, and (ii) denominator: total public expenditure (per cent).


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) published methodologies for estimating public spending on youth, which represents an opportunity to develop a viable and comparable methodology among the countries of the region. It is based on Damián Bonari (2014 and 2015), Desarrollo de una propuesta de metodología para la medición del gasto público dirigido a adolescencia y juventud en los países de América Latina; [Development of a methodology proposal for the measurement of public expenditure targeting adolescence and youth in the countries of Latin America]; and, Medición del gasto público dirigido a la adolescencia y juventud en los países de América Latina. Nota técnica [Measuring public expenditure for adolescents and youth in Latin American countries. Technical Note] “(UNFPA-LACRO 008/2014). The feasibility of calculating the indicator with the earmarked and executed budget must be reviewed.

Priority Measures

A.1 - Eradicate poverty

Reinforce the public policies and actions needed to eradicate poverty and break the cycles of exclusion and inequality as a condition for achieving development in the region.

A.2 - Human rights, gender and interculturality

Apply a human rights approach with a gender and intercultural perspective in addressing population and development issues, and step up efforts to recognize, promote and uphold relevant goals in order to eliminate inequalities and foster social inclusion.

H.85 - Indigenous peoples rights

Respect and implement the provisions of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as Convention No. 169 of the International Labour Organization on indigenous and tribal peoples —and call on those countries that have not already done so to sign it and ratify it— adapting legal frameworks and formulating the policies necessary for their implementation, with the full participation of these peoples, including indigenous peoples that live in cities.

H.86 - Indigenous peoples and demographic dynamics.

Consider the special demographic dynamic of indigenous peoples in public policy design, with special emphasis on indigenous peoples threatened with extinction, those who have no contact with the outside world, those living in voluntary isolation or that are in a phase of initial contact, and respect their right to self-determination.
H. Indigenous people