This measure is complementary to priority measures 86 and 94 on inclusion of special population dynamics for indigenous peoples and for Afro-descendants, respectively.
Possible lines of action
1. Develop a national plan using this guide for implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in order to ensure integration of population issues into public policies and planning so as to achieve sustainable development with equality and respect for human rights. 2. Develop long-term forecasts showing the impact of population dynamics on economies. 3. Promote the production, dissemination and use of socioeconomic statistics disaggregated by population group, for example women, older persons, adolescents, and indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants. 4. Strengthen the national statistics system, the civil registry, censuses and other sociodemographic information systems. 5. Strengthen national capacities for handling population and development issues. 6. Prepare a national plan for implementing the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development. 7. Produce the information needed to evaluate the economic impact of changes in the age structure (for example through the system of national transfer accounts).
Related instruments, forums and mechanisms
Existing mational frameworks for population and development.
National frameworks created for follow-up and monitoring of the Sustainable Develpment Goals.