G.84 - Territorial planning and environmental risk management

Priority measure number
G.84 - Territorial planning and environmental risk management
Promote the use of georeferenced, sociodemographic analysis, disaggregated by sex, race and ethnicity, to improve territorial planning and environmental risk management.


t must be borne in mind that the indicators are not easy to construct, as there is no information currently available on this issue. Thus, in order to monitor this priority measure, the necessary data sources will have to be created. This measure is linked with priority measure 82 and the measures under chapter H.

These measures are complementary to priority measures 90 and 98, in terms of generating disaggregated information for indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants, respectively.

Possible lines of action

1. Provide training in demographic analysis topics at the local level. 2. Incorporate sociodemographic information on the entire population, as well as on population subgroups disaggregated by sex, age, race, ethnic origin and geographical location, into baseline studies, diagnostic analyses and monitoring systems using geographic information systems at different territorial scales. 3. Coordinate with the various national and subnational government bodies on the actions needed for the design and implementation of geographic information systems with information for planning the territory (cities, specific areas within the city, environmental risk zones) and for managing or programming various actions when an environmental disaster strikes. 4. Promote the availability, improvement and use of data sources, for example territorially disaggregated censuses and population forecasts so as to allow this type of analysis at different scales, and train technical personnel in their use and in the various procedures and analyses that can be conducted.

Related instruments, forums and mechanisms

Santiago Declaration of MINURVI, agreement 3 on establishing homogeneous methodologies and indicators for comparing the performance of cities in order to optimize regional strategies and strengthen them through cooperation.

G. Territory and internal migration