H.90 - Right to communication and information of indigenous peoples

Priority measure number
H.90 - Right to communication and information of indigenous peoples
Guarantee indigenous peoples’ right to communication and information, ensuring that national statistics respect the principle of self-identification, as well as the generation of knowledge and reliable and timely information on indigenous peoples through participatory processes, with reference to their requirements and international recommendations relating to these issues.


This priority measure complements priority measure 17 on the disaggregation of data for adolescents and young people, and priority measure 84 on the use of georeferenced information. Indicators should also be disaggregated by sex. The recommendations on data disaggregation made by the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE)-Population Division of ECLAC, and the United Nations human rights mechanisms should be reviewed in this regard.

The right to communication implies a series of differentiated actions with respect to the right of access to information and statistics systems, the monitoring of which for indigenous peoples should be explicitly integrated into the Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies of ECLAC. It is also being monitored within the framework of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Possible lines of action

1. Adapt national legislation for the inclusion of indigenous peoples in the entire national statistics system, including the institutional arrangements needed to guarantee indigenous full and effective participation throughout the process of generating information. 2. Include questions to identify indigenous peoples in statistical data sources, in a consistent and comparable manner, respecting the principle of self-identification and, to the extent possible, supplementing it with other variables such as language. 3. Enhance the integrity, quality and timeliness of sociodemographic information on indigenous peoples. In the case of surveys, revise the sampling schemes. 4. Move forward with the cultural adaptation of statistical instruments and procedures as required for each stage in the production of information. 5. Promote discussion sessions for defining a set of agreed well-being indicators that meet the requirements of indigenous peoples, accompanied by the design of tools for collecting and producing that information. 6. Strengthen the technical capacities of indigenous peoples to access and make active use of the available information and to assess its impact on policies, and broaden the knowledge of State officials regarding their duties with respect to producing information and the importance of participation and cultural relevance for improving data quality and validity. 7. Work jointly with indigenous peoples and statistics institutes to evaluate progress and obstacles in these matters, in order to define strategies consistent with the nature of each data source.

H. Indigenous people