Number of programmes and campaigns specifically targeted at eliminating stereotypes and discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.
Number of programmes and campaigns specifically targeted at eliminating stereotypes and discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation developed by the competent authority.
Specify whether only national programmes and campaigns are considered, or whether regional or local ones should be included; and if they are included whether they can be disaggregated accordingly.
Priority Measures
D.33 - Guarantee sexual and reproductive health and rights
Promote, protect and guarantee sexual health and rights and reproductive rights in order to contribute to the fulfilment of persons and to social justice in a society free from all forms of discrimination and violence.
D.34 - Policies for the exercise of sexual rights
Promote policies that enable persons to exercise their sexual rights, which embrace the right to a safe and full sex life, as well as the right to take free, informed, voluntary and responsible decisions on their sexuality, sexual orientation and gender identity, without coercion, discrimination or violence, and that guarantee the right to information and the means necessary for their sexual health and reproductive health.
D.36 - Eradicate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
Design policies and programmes to eradicate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the exercise of sexual rights and the manifestations thereof.
D.46 - Resources for universal access to sexual and reproductive health
Guarantee sufficient financial, human and technological resources in order to provide universal access to sexual health care and reproductive health care for all women, men, adolescents, young people, older persons and persons with disabilities without any form of discrimination.
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