(No metadata available yet).
This indicator is based on SDG target 1.4.2. The official wording of the indicator is abbreviated, by eliminating the final phrase “... and who perceive their rights to land as secure, ...” At their third meeting, the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development (October 2016) considered that there was no way of measuring the perception of security over these rights, and that there was a subjectivity component in the original wording that was best omitted. It was also made clear that the indicator should be disaggregated for indigenous peoples and communities as regards the collective tenure of their ancestral lands.
Complete metadata will be available at:
A.1 - Eradicate poverty
A.2 - Human rights, gender and interculturality
G.76 - Territorial management
G.77 - Territories promoting the development and well-being of people
G.81 - Territorial development with a gender and human rights perspective
H.85 - Indigenous peoples rights
H.88 - Indigenous peoples and territorial rights
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