to provide an effective and efficient platform for coordinating and monitoring initiatives that facilitate social transformation and economic development, strengthen governance, improve safety and access to justice in targeted communities
General Objectives
to achieve sustainable, positive change among the targeted communities by harnessing multiple interventions under six broad thematic areas. These are (i) Social Transformation; (ii) Socio-economic Development; (iii) Governance; (iv) Youth Development; (v) Physical Transformation; and (vi) Safety and Justice.
At risk communities
Responsible institution
Main Priority Measure
A.1 - Eradicate poverty
Reinforce the public policies and actions needed to eradicate poverty and break the cycles of exclusion and inequality as a condition for achieving development in the region.
A.4 - Population and development
Ensure full integration of population dynamics into sustainable development planning, sectoral policies and public policies and programmes in general ―in particular in development and land-use planning― at national and subnational levels, drawing on sociodemographic knowledge and information and harnessing technological advances.
A.5 - Sustainable development for human well-being
Pursue sustainable development as a means of securing now and in the future human well-being for all peoples on an equitable basis, and ensuring that the linkages between population, resources, the environment and development are fully recognized, appropriately administered and maintained in a harmonious and dynamic balance with a thriving biodiversity and healthy ecosystems
B.7 - Boys, girls, adolescents and young people
Guarantee for all boys, girls, adolescents and young people, without any form of discrimination, the chance to live a life free from poverty and violence, and to enjoy protection and exercise of their human rights, a range of opportunities and access to health, education and social protection.
B.10 - Policies and programs for youth
Promote and invest in labour and employment policies and special training programmes for youth to boost personal and collective capabilities and initiative and to enable them to reconcile studies and work activities, without precarious working conditions and guaranteeing equal opportunities and treatment.
B.13 - Avoid dropping out of school
Introduce or strengthen policies and programmes to prevent pregnant adolescents and young mothers from dropping out of school.