Outlines the Government’s prioritization of the issue of poverty
• Outlines fundamental principles, strategies, and approaches towards poverty reduction
• Establishes a locus of responsibility for coordinating the National Poverty Reduction Programme
• Promotes improved coordination, integration, collaboration, and efficiencies among poverty reduction programmes
• Establishes a credible and responsive mechanism to positively and directly influence the poverty prevalence
• Identifies key focus areas and target groups for prioritization within a MediumTerm Programme
• Justifies the basis for resource mobilization for poverty programmes
• Provides and warrants a structured and coordinated approach to monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction interventions
the empowerment of people; and
building resilience at the national, community, household and individual levels, to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty.
Strengthen social safety nets to address extreme poverty-induced
deprivations (including hunger).
Promote and expand human capital development among the poor and vulnerable (including children and persons with disabilities).
Enhance income security among the poor and vulnerable.
Enhance food and nutrition security of the poor.
Strengthen basic social and physical infrastructure.
Address psychosocial, cultural and normative influences on poverty.
Strengthen coordination and capacity building for poverty reduction.