The country applies policies aimed at the eradication of human trafficking and migrant smuggling, irregular migrant status, and the creation and implementation of protocols to deal with the migration of unaccompanied children and adolescents.
This indicator is adapted from SDG indicator 10.7.2.
This indicator can also be based on the metadata of indicator F.1. An explicit human-rights-based migration policy is defined most directly in the adoption of international instruments and obligations.
The SDG indicator speaks of “well-managed migration policies”, but the countries in the region explicitly recognize the rights approach.
The metadata of the SDG indicator itself will be available at:
A.4 - Population and development
F.67 - Assistance and protection to migrants
F.68 - Global and regional strategies for the protection of the rights of migrants
F.70 - Principles of reciprocity and coherence in assistance to migrants
F.72 - Decriminalize migration
F.74 - Cooperation between countries for the protection of human rights in irregular migration
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