Percentage of metropolitan, city or local governments that have information systems and use new technologies in planning and management decisions.


Ratio between: (i) numerator: all metropolitan, city or local governments (at minor administrative division level) that have information systems and use new technologies in territorial planning and management decisions, and (ii) denominator: all metropolitan or city governments or local governments (minor administrative division level), multiplied by 100.


Priority Measures

A.4 - Population and development

Ensure full integration of population dynamics into sustainable development planning, sectoral policies and public policies and programmes in general ―in particular in development and land-use planning― at national and subnational levels, drawing on sociodemographic knowledge and information and harnessing technological advances.

A.5 - Sustainable development for human well-being

Pursue sustainable development as a means of securing now and in the future human well-being for all peoples on an equitable basis, and ensuring that the linkages between population, resources, the environment and development are fully recognized, appropriately administered and maintained in a harmonious and dynamic balance with a thriving biodiversity and healthy ecosystems

G.76 - Territorial management

Develop more closely coordinated, integrated and cohesive territories by designing and executing territorial and urban management plans, policies and instruments, administered in a participatory manner and based on a people-centred approach with a gender and human rights perspective and a vision of sustainability and environmental risk management.

G.80 - Land use planning and environmental sustainability

Formulate development strategies for city systems to encompass territorial planning and environmental sustainability, promoting energy transition and sustainable production and consumption processes, taking into consideration social and environmental externalities, within a human rights framework, in order to promote sustainable and inclusive urban development, and strengthen all segments of such systems, including intermediate and small cities.

H.90 - Right to communication and information of indigenous peoples

Guarantee indigenous peoples’ right to communication and information, ensuring that national statistics respect the principle of self-identification, as well as the generation of knowledge and reliable and timely information on indigenous peoples through participatory processes, with reference to their requirements and international recommendations relating to these issues.
G. Territory and internal migration