Percentage of the public budget earmarked/executed for actions aimed at guaranteeing the rights of the Afrodescendent population, by sector, and percentage allocated to a governing institution on Afrodescendent affairs.


1. Ratio between: (i) numerator: public expenditure earmarked/executed for actions aimed at guaranteeing the rights of the Afrodescendent population, and (ii) denominator: total public expenditure. Expressed as a percentage.

2. Ratio between: (i) numerator: public expenditure earmarked for/executed by institutions responsible for Afrodescendent affairs, and (ii) denominator: total public expenditure. Expressed as a percentage.


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) provided methodologies for estimating public spending on youth, which represents an opportunity to develop a viable and comparable methodology among the countries of the region. It is based on Damián Bonari (2014 and 2015), “Desarrollo de una propuesta de metodología para la medición del gasto público dirigido a adolescencia y juventud en los países de América Latina”; and “Medición del gasto público dirigido a la adolescencia y juventud en los países de América Latina. Nota técnica (UNFPA-LACRO 008/2014). The feasibility of calculating the indicator must be reviewed in light of the assigned and executed budget.

Priority Measures

A.1 - Eradicate poverty

Reinforce the public policies and actions needed to eradicate poverty and break the cycles of exclusion and inequality as a condition for achieving development in the region.

A.2 - Human rights, gender and interculturality

Apply a human rights approach with a gender and intercultural perspective in addressing population and development issues, and step up efforts to recognize, promote and uphold relevant goals in order to eliminate inequalities and foster social inclusion.

I.96 - Promotion of development in Afro-descendant populations

Promote the development of Afro-descendent populations by implementing public policies, establishing standards and creating institutions to guide and carry forward affirmative action policies, plans and programmes at the sectoral level, whereby the principles of equality and non-discrimination can be incorporated into all levels of government, with organized civil society participating throughout the process of design, implementation and evaluation of those instruments.
I. Afro-Descendants