
Institutional framework

The National Planning Secretariat, created by the President of the Republic with Executive Decree No. 732 of May 28, 2019 (which reformed the former Technical Planning Secretary of Ecuador) is the body in charge of population and development issues. Regarding inter-institutional coordination for the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus, there is no specially dedicated mechanism. However, through Executive Decree No. 371 of April 19, 2018, the Government has adopted the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as national public policy, entrusting the National Planning Secretariat with the preparation of the progress report. For its part, this document is considered an input for the preparation of the report on the implementation and follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus. In this way, the Secretariat is in charge of coordinating and collecting the contributions of the different State bodies involved. In addition to the Secretariat, eight other competent entities participate in the different issues of the Montevideo Consensus, especially: population dynamics; children, adolescents and youth; ageing and social protection; sexual and reproductive health; gender equality; territory and internal migration; Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants.


The Ecuadorian State has not defined mechanisms to guarantee the participation of the different entities represented in society.


The information on Institutionality comes from the regional survey for the update of the Virtual Platform for the follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development, implemented by the technical secretariat in 2023.

Hierarchy or rank of Coordinating Institution