
Institutional framework

In the branch of the executive system, the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations is the state body permanently in charge of population and development issues. The same ministry permanently chairs the Multisectoral Commission for the follow-up and evaluation of the measures adopted in the framework of the agreement called "Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean", an implementation and follow-up mechanism created in 2016 by Supreme Decree No. 051-2016-PCM. In the Commission, in addition to the coordinating institution, there is a set of sixteen state bodies competent in relevant areas to achieve the objectives set in the Montevideo Consensus and they participate on an equal footing. Among the main subjects are: human rights and justice; gender equality and protection of vulnerable populations; population dynamics; public, sexual and reproductive health; education and comprehensive sexual education; poverty and social exclusion; rights of migrants; Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants; sustainable development, environmental protection and climate change; citizen security and prevention of human trafficking; labor, employment and labor rights.


Peru guarantees the informative participation of civil society organizations, which are invited to the sessions of the Multisectoral Commission, with the possibility of providing non-binding comments. Specifically, the participation of four organizations focused on sexual and reproductive health issues, as well as gender equality, is highlighted. In addition, there is the participation of an organization dedicated to the fight against poverty and inequality, which submits comments on population and development at the decentralized level. It should be noted that the Center for Indigenous Cultures of Peru (CHIRAPAQ) and the Center for the Development of Peruvian Black Women (CENEMUDEP), respectively dedicated to the valorization of culture and the defense of the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants, have also been invited to participate in the Commission; however, to date the two organizations have not intervened. Finally, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) participates in an advisory capacity, providing technical support to the Commission's activities.


The information on Institutionality comes from the regional survey for the update of the Virtual Platform for the follow-up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development, implemented by the technical secretariat in 2023.

Hierarchy or rank of Coordinating Institution
Ministry Commission