Percentage of health-care centres offering comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services.


Ratio between (i) numerator: health-care facilities offering comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services,

and (ii) denominator: total number of health care establishments.

This indicator is expressed as a percentage of primary health care establishments.


The service components are likely to vary according to the standards of each country.

The important thing is to assess the availability of contraception and sexual and reproductive health services in the same facility.

More information on the components of the provision of sexual and reproductive health services can be found in the glossary.

For more details on conceptual issues see:

Proposed indicators for monitoring the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. En línea [http://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/7159/S023185_es.pdf;jsessionid=A8F4DBD7895C48E9A4355F4259D8B904?sequence=1.]

National monitoring of achievements in terms of universal access to reproductive health care http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/44057/1/9789243596839_spa.pdf.


Priority Measures

B.12 - Sexual health and reproductive health

Implement comprehensive, timely, good-quality sexual health and reproductive health programmes for adolescents and young people, including youth-friendly sexual health and reproductive health services with a gender, human rights, intergenerational and intercultural perspective, which guarantee access to safe and effective modern contraceptive methods, respecting the principles of confidentiality and privacy, to enable adolescents and young people to exercise their sexual rights and reproductive rights, to have a responsible, pleasurable and healthy sex life, avoid early and unwanted pregnancies, the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and to take free, informed and responsible decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive life and the exercise of their sexual orientation.

D.35 - Access to information

Review legislation, standards and practices that restrict access to sexual and reproductive health services, including the provision of comprehensive user-friendly services for adolescents and youth, and guarantee access to full information on all of the service options available to all persons, without any form of discrimination, in order to ensure that the highest international standards of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms are met in the region.

D.37 - Universal access to quality sexual and reproductive health services

Guarantee universal access to good-quality sexual health and reproductive health services, bearing in mind the specific needs of men and women, adolescents and young people, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, older persons and persons with disabilities, with special attention to vulnerable persons, persons living in rural and remote areas and to the promotion of citizen participation in the follow-up to commitments.

D.43 - Comprehensive health care in the reproductive process for all women

Ensure that all women have effective access to comprehensive health care during the reproductive process and specifically to skilled, institutional, compassionate obstetric care and to the best possible maternal health services during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, as well as to services that include the termination of pregnancy in those cases where the law provides for such services, and guarantee universal access to assisted fertility treatments.
D. Sexual and reproductive health