Ratio between (i) numerator: number of indicators produced at national level for monitoring the Montevideo Consensus, with feasible breakdown when relevant to the target, and (ii) denominator: total number of indicators required for monitoring the Montevideo Consensus. In both cases, in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.
This is an adaptation of SDG indicator 17.18.1, which was supplemented by explicit reference to monitoring the Montevideo Consensus and to the feasibility of the disaggregation of indicators at the third meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development (October 2016). The Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics were approved by General Assembly resolution 68/261 of January 29, 2014.
Further information on the SDG indicators metadata will be available at:
A.4 - Population and development
H.85 - Indigenous peoples rights
H.86 - Indigenous peoples and demographic dynamics.
H.90 - Right to communication and information of indigenous peoples
I.92 - Respect for and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action with the full participation of people of African descent
I.94 - Demographic and sociocultural dynamics in Afro-descendant populations
I.98 - Generation of knowledge and information on Afro-descendant populations
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